Beauty and the Beast

Özel Jale Tezer Anadolu ve Fen Lisesi Oran Yerleşkemiz öğrencileri 24.05.2024 (Cuma), 27.05.2024 (Pazartesi) ve 01.06.2024 (Cumartesi) günü Beauty and the Beast (Güzel ve Çirkin) tiyatro oyununu İngilizce olarak sahnelemişlerdir.
Kıymetli katkılarından ötürü öğrencilerimiz,
Bahar (Belle), Burak (Beast), Eren (Lumiere), Birce (Cogsworth), İlkan (Gaston), Altay (Le Fou), Gökçe (Plumette), Eda (Mrs.Potts), Ceren (Chip), Selena (Reverand Mother), Ahmet Arda (Maurice), Melis (Village Lass 1), Beril (Village Lass 2), Mina (Chansonniere), İpek (narrator 1), Ege (narrator 2), Ceren Naz (narrator 3), Mikail (male dancer ), Nehir (female dancer), Ezgi (Souffleuse), Mert (Technical Affairs), Nehir (make-up), Defne (make-up) ve resim öğretmenimiz Ayşegül Eroğlu’na İngilizce ve Modern Yabancı Diller Birimi olarak teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.
Kıymetli velilerimize de desteklerinden ötürü teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.

The students of our Private Jale Tezer Anatolian and Science High School Oran campus staged the theatre play Beauty and the Beast in English on 24.05.2024 (Friday), 27.05.2024 (Monday) and 01.06.2024 (Saturday).
As English and Contemporary Languages Unit, we would like to thank our students for their valuable contribution;
Bahar (Belle), Burak (Beast), Eren (Lumiere), Birce (Cogsworth), İlkan (Gaston), Altay (Le Fou), Gökçe (Plumette), Eda (Mrs. Potts), Ceren (Chip), Selena (Reverand Mother), Ahmet Arda (Maurice), Melis (Village Lass 1), Beril (Village Lass 2), Mina (Chansonniere), İpek (narrator 1), Ege (narrator 2), Ceren Naz (narrator 3), Mikail (male dancer), Nehir (female dancer), Ezgi (Souffleuse), Mert (Technical Affairs), Nehir (make-up), Defne (make-up) and our art teacher Ayşegül Eroğlu.
We would like to thank our parents for their precious support as well.